Collection: Sugar Hill Disco

You can't really sum up Sugar Hill Disco in one paragraph - there's a reason why the New York Times has written long features about it. It was opened by Eddie Freeman in 1979, who named it after the night-life section of Kinston N.C. where he grew up. Fast-forward over 40 years and he's running the now-iconic club with his two children, Aaron and Akesha. Beyond the restaurant (serving up incredible fried chicken), Eddie and his kids host all sorts of community events from underground techno, to church gospel and soul music - sometimes running three events at a time. As the artist Graham said, "sometimes an after hours party will be ending as a gospel brunch happens up stairs". Eddie was once offered $15 million to sell the property, which he turned down: "What would I do with $15 million? I don't need to travel. I'm living in the greatest city in the world".